The Most Common STI Differences For Men And Women

- Posted On: Jun 18, 2021
- By: Admin
An STI is an infection passed on through sexual contact and can develop into a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
What Are Sexually Transmitted Infections?
Sexually transmitted infections are a broad group of infections, and, as the name implies, they are passed on from one person to another during sexual intercourse. They are a serious health problem around the world. Moreover, it is a problem that has been increasing over the past few years. Some sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis, have started to affect people who have sex without a condom again.
Moreover, sexually transmitted infections quite often occur together with HIV infection. Infection with the pathogens increases the risk of HIV infection several times, up to 10 times for syphilis and Gonorrhea. STIs are caused by a variety of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. They affect the genitals, although they can also be found in other parts of the body, for example, the anus and the mouth.
Why Is It So Important To Detect And Treat Them?
There are sexually transmitted diseases that attack our lymphatic and circulatory systems. They can affect our internal organs and have severe consequences for our health, and if left untreated, they can significantly increase the possibility of HIV infection.
How Are They Transmitted?
These types of diseases are transmitted mainly through oral, anal, and vaginal sex without a condom. Some sexually transmitted infections (HIV, hepatitis B, and C) are only transmitted when exchanging body fluids, such as urethral discharge, semen, or blood from an infected person.
You can pass others on through contact with the skin or mucous membranes of those affected. These diseases include Gonorrhea, chlamydiosis, warts, and genital herpes.
Symptoms Of STI In Men And Women :
The symptoms of STIs differ. They are different types of venereal diseases, and therefore they also give other symptoms. But it is also possible that you have no complaints at all. So you do have a (serious) STI among the members, but you do not notice anything about your health. That is why it is always wise to get tested if you have had unprotected sex. Then you are usually on time, and you can treat the disease well and efficiently.
No Complaints And Still An STD In Women
An STI without symptoms, for example, regularly occurs in women with chlamydia. It is, therefore, the most common STI. And yet, chlamydia can eventually lead to infertility.
No Complaints And Still An STI In Men
In men, Gonorrhea sometimes does not cause any symptoms. You wouldn't expect that, of course, since Gonorrhea is also nicknamed 'the dripper.' However, not every man gets discharged from his penis because of this.
Symptoms Of STDs In Men And Women
Besides that, you may not see or feel any symptoms; the noticeable complaints can also differ between men and women! Below you will therefore find the most common complaints in general and the complaints specifically for men or women.
Note: it does not have to be the case that you have all these complaints if you suffer from an STD. Maybe you only have one symptom, while your sex partner has 5. That differs per person.
General STI Complaints In Men And Women
- Flu-like symptoms such as fever
- Warts, bumps, blisters, or sores (on genital or anus)
- Itching (at genitals, anus, or buttocks)
- Peeing hurts or feels different than usual
- Pain (genital, anus, or in the lower abdomen)
- Discharge or (slimy) blood from the anus
- Skin and whites that turn yellow
STI Complaints In Women
- Bleeding between your periods
- Blood loss during or after sex
- Different vaginal discharge than usual (different color, smell, and/or texture)
- Red and/or irritated vagina/labia
- You have pain during sex
STI Complaints In Men
- Discharge from the penis
- The scrotum hurts or is swollen
- The lymph nodes in the groin are swollen
Symptoms Due To Anxiety
After sexual contact, you may feel anxious or begin to worry. You are afraid because you know that you may have been at risk and could be infected with an STD.
It is precisely because of that fear that you can get specific complaints that resemble the symptoms of an infection. These are mainly general complaints such as fatigue, diarrhea, rash, or itching.
Does that fear affect your daily functioning? Talking about it can help. Seek professional help from a psychologist or sex therapist.
How Long Does It Take Before You Notice That You Have An STD?
That differs from STD to STD. Gonorrhea can manifest itself after a few days, while hepatitis B and genital warts can sometimes only be detected after six months. Most STIs are detectable after 3-4 weeks.
When Should I Get Tested?
It is best to see a doctor in these situations as soon as possible for an STI test. Even if you have no complaints, regular testing is recommended. Because some STDs do not always cause symptoms, such as chlamydia.
If an STI is not detected and treated, it can have severe consequences for your health. And you can infect others.
How do I know if I have an STI?
A sexually transmitted disease can be made based on symptoms and observation of Organs genitals, being confirmed through tests such as the Pap smear and the Schiller test, for example. In addition, the doctor may recommend a blood test to check the cause of the disease and indicate the most appropriate treatment.
When Do You Need To Repeat Exams?
When a woman or man has caught a sexually transmitted disease , the doctor recommends having a medical exam at least every 6 months for about 2 years, until the result of 3 consecutive exams is negative.
During the treatment phase, it may be necessary to see the doctor several times a month to adjust the treatment and cure the disease, if possible.
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